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Friday, January 13, 2012

Packing and Rats and Poker

Oh my gosh!!! What do we take with us to Texas? I mean, the RV is only 30 foot long...and we keep adding more things to the pile to take. Seems like to me that we are probably taking too much. We have heard that most people take too much the first time and every year after that they take less. We will probably be normal.

We have friends at the RV park where we are going for at least the first two weeks. We have been calling them and they have called us. We are known as "rookies" which certainly fits us. Yesterday we called to find out if my bike will be secure sitting outside. Of course, they said. Then John asked about leaving his golf clubs under the RV. Um, no they said. The rats would eat them. RATS?!?!

It turns out that the ladies there have a quilting group that gets together so the wife, Lynn, suggested I bring my sewing machine (my NEW one I just got as an early present for my birthday). Sounds like fun. But I was glad to hear that they play Texas Hold ' sounds like it is a guy thing. Um, yup I enjoy quilting and sewing and all those girlie things...but I really LOVE I hope they let me play.

So tomorrow we spend refining our packing and cleaning the house. ----Penny

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